
About Me #

Namaste! I’m Achyut. I’m a 12th Grade student at GEAR Innovative International School, Bengaluru, India. (Update: I was admitted into and will be attending The University of Chicago as a freshman starting Fall 2024, where I intend to major in Mathematics).

I love math and music. I play the piano and have taught myself to play the flute and the guitar. I like the creative exercise of composing tunes, combining sounds from the piano, the flute, the electric guitar, and various percussion instruments, and experimenting with a fusion of Indian Carnatic and western music. Most of my free time is spent exploring and discovering math, experimenting with music, basketball/cricket, and playing with code. I also like to read, and play a lot of basketball.

A lot of my life revolves around math. I’m deeply honored to have been selected for, and to have attended, the challenging Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS), as a first-year (9th/10th grade) student in the year 2021, and as a returning (10th/11th grade) student in the year 2022. I have been a grateful recipient of the Mehta Fellowship for these programs.

We did a lot of number theory at the program, and the problem sets were carefully designed to make us analyze problems and come up with conjectures, and then prove or disprove or salvage them. The discoveries and the aha moments were exhilarating! As a returning student I also had the opportunity to engage in deeper research, and attend the advanced course on Number Theoretic Cryptography (with accompanying problem sets) offered by Professor David Jao.

I attended PROMYS again in May/June 2023, at the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. I have been a grateful recipient of the Spirit of Ramanujan, STEM Talent Initiative fellowship for this program. The program gave me the opportunity to dig deeper into the $p$-adic Number System and the Artin-Hasse Exponential. The advanced course on Quadratic Forms together with the in-depth problem sets offered by Professor Aditya Karnataki was truly illuminating.

Do peek into my world of math, music, and basketball. Check out the books section, and if you like numbers, do spend some time with Number Theory – From the Ground Up – it’s still very much a work in progress! If you’re into Algebra or you like to play around with lists, take a look at On the Algebra of Lists, that tries to provide a formal framework for working with lists. Also check out the tutoring section for lecture materials and slides.

Any feedback using the comment form below, or by E-mail, is welcome. Or just use them to say hello!

Math Books List Algebra Number Theory Tutoring Music Compositions Flute Piano/Guitar Basketball

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